In honor of National safety month, we are focusing on the below topic of accident prevention.
The definition of accident is defined by the oxford dictionary as:
“An unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury.”
Most workplace injuries are preventable with proper preventative measures in place.
Examples of a few such preventative measures for Employers are:
· Educate workers by providing health and safety training.
· Put workplace health and safety procedures in place and ensure employees are aware of the procedures.
· Identify workplace hazards. Eliminate or reduce the hazard.
· Ensure correct PPE (personal protective equipment) is available for employees and is worn properly by employees.
At Stalwart Safety our motto is Safety is No Accident! Our mission is to provide quality safety products and hand protection to keep people safe and we believe the most effective way to do so is to support our distributors to be able to effectively supply their customers for the long term.